Estate Management

Estate Inspections 

Our staff are out and about on the estate daily. Staff will report any fly-tipping issues to the council via their app. (My Glasgow App). however you should not leave any items on the pavement, car park or road. If we find any information in relation to any fly tipping and it is related to one of our tenants we will contact them and advise of the steps they should take to remove the items. if we have to uplift those itemns we will recharge and bill the tenant. 

We monitor our ground maintenance contratcor to ensure that the work we pay for is carried out. if you ahve any complaints about this service, please get in touch with Paul at the office. 

Stair Cleaning 

A stair cleaning service is provided to the following properties 

2-18 Avondale Street

338 Gartcraig Road

3-5 Claypotts Road

34 Claypotts Road 

45-47 Elibank Street

1-2 Caprington Place

This service is included in the rent charge for these properties and is carried out fortnightly. tenants are reminded that it is part of your tenancy agreement that you keep clean and clear the common areas of the property. This includes NOT storing any bikes or prams on the landings. All rubbish should be takn to the bin area and placed in the appropriate bins provided. . 

Bulk Uplift

If you have bulk items that need to be disposed of these should be taken to the dump at Queenslie or you can contact Glasgow City Councill for an uplift,  this service is chargable.

The Association strongly encourages tenants who can access the dump at Queenslie Recycling Centre to do this where possible to minimise bulk/rubbish and keep Ruchazie clean, tidy and a welcoming place for all.

Weekly visits to each property will be carried out to ensure that tenants are complying with the terms of their tenancy agreement. We hope that you will ALL work with us to keep our estate clean and tidy.

Please visit Glasgow City Council Website at - Select Bins and recycling - where more information is available.

If you have any questions about this service, please contact Paul by telephone 0141 774 4433 or email 

My Glasgow App

My Glasgow is a mobile app phone app that enables you to report issues to Glasgow City Council.
Download the App to your smart phone today!

You can attach photos, video or any other contextual information to your report and pin point the exact location via intergration with Google Maps.
Once submitted your report is routed to Glasgow City Council for processing and allocation to the relevant Service Delivery Team.


There are many features to My Glasgow App.

- Submit a report.
- Receive information about your submitted report by SMS, push notification or email.
- View your submitted reports.
- Add notes to existing reports.
- News and events.
- Search for Council facilities near to your current location.
- View local information, e.g council tax bands, planning applications, jobs, etc.
- Integarted help.

What issues can you report?

You can submit reports for issues such as;

- Missed bin collection
- Broken parking meter
- Illegal fly posting
- Parking meter
- A broken street light
- Graffiti
- Pot holes
- Illegal dumping of watse
- Dog fouling

How do you submit a report?

To submit a report you must capture certain information.

Select the category of the report.

- Complete the questions.
- Capture the evidence, either a photo or video.
- Enter the location.
- Sumbit the report.

Contact Us
If you have any enquiries please contact 'My Glasgow' Team at or visit us at

Graffiti Removal

Did you know that all residents in Glasgow can take advantage of Glasgow City Council's free graffiti removal service (for communal areas), by calling 0800 027 7027. Please do't leave graffiti for someone else to report! - help maintain the look of your area by reporting graffiti promptly to the above number.

Close Cleaning

As part of our closing cleaning contract, Close Cleaning is being carried out by Swinton Power Wash.

The Association would ask that all tenants ensure all landings/close entrances are free from any belongings i.e. Prams/bikes/scooters etc. in order to ensure that the contractors can thoroughly clean all areas.