Do you have a repair?  
Fill in the form below and we will arrange for a contractor to call to your home to repair it.  
Or phone the office on 0141 774 4433 to speak to a member of staff.

All our repairs are categorised to ensure tenant safety as well as a repairs service that provides value for money for our tenants. 
Repair Timescales
Right to Repair

All Heating Repairs,  Bolier Breakdowns should be reported to City Building
0800 595 595 (free phone 24hrs)

Emergency Repairs
Outwith office hours should be reported on 
0800 595 595 (free phone)

Examples that may be classed as emergencies

Loss of heating where no alternative heating is available.

Loss of lighting in internal bathrooms
Loss of electric power
Loss of water supply
Blocked or leaking, drains or toilet pans
No Flushing toilet within the property
Blocked sink,  bath or drains
Significant leaks or flooding from water or heating pipes,  tanks or cisterns

City Building’s call centre staff and Out of Hour Emergency Team may ask tenants/ occupants a series of questions to establish a safe working environment.

Office Opening Hours
8.30am - 4.30pm Mon - Thurs
8.30am - 3pm Friday

Information on how we use and handle the personal information you provide to us is included in our Privacy Policy


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