
Our vision is of "A flourishing space for all "
This encapsulates the importance we give to:
- place, including our high-quality natural enviornment;
- a thriving and sustainable local community; and
- a welcoming and inclusive community.


Our Values

For each other and the area in which we operate.

- The needs, wants and aspirations of our service users.
- Our community.
- Our operating environment.

- Community based.
- Led by the community for the community.

- Working as a team that listens, provides answers, gives guidance.
- Keeping promises and honouring commitments made to others.

- Working proactively.
- Breaking down barriers.
- Building relationships.
- Creating trust and gaining trust.

Zero Tolerance
- Discrimination.
- Abuse.
- Violence.
- Crime.

- Making sure we always do the right thing.

- Neither consciously nor unconsciously discriminating.

To see our business plan click here Business Plan Final 20-25 


The Association is committed to ensuring that every tenant and other customer has their individual needs recognised, is treated fairly and with respect, and receives fair access to housing and housing services.

In the provision of services and employment of staff, we will seek to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment. No person or group of persons will be treated less favourably than any other group of persons because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.